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【平裝版藍光】純音頻 約翰.柯川 / 至高的愛 音樂藍光 (1964) << 返 回
John Coltrane / A Love Supreme

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: John Coltrane     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
John Coltrane: A Love Supreme (1964)

A Love Supreme is the essential document of the genius of John Coltrane and remains one of the most important and influential jazz records ever made. The four-part suite finds Coltrane yearning for spiritual and musical freedom while coalescing the hard bop sensibilities of his early career with the free jazz style that he would adopt later on. Trane is without a doubt an artist whose sincerity and integrity shines through his work and A Love Supreme is as genuine and fully realized as they come.
01. A Love Supreme Part I: Acknowledgement (Album Version)
02. A Love Supreme Part II - Resolution (Album Version)
03. A Love Supreme, Part III: Pursuance (Album Version)
04. A Love Supreme, Part IV-Psalm (Album Version)
Bonus Tracks:
05. Introduction By Andr? Francis (Live In Juan-les-Pins, France/1965)
06. A Love Supreme, Part 1: Acknowledgement (Live In Juan-les-Pins, France/1965)
07. A Love Supreme, Part 2: Resolution (Live In Juan-les-Pins, France/1965)
08. A Love Supreme, Part 3: Pursuance (Live In Juan-les-Pins, France/1965)
09. A Love Supreme, Part 4: Psalm (Live In Juan-les-Pins, France/1965)
10. A Love Supreme, Part II-Resolution (Alternate Take)
11. A Love Supreme, Part 2: Resolution (Alternate Take 2)
12. A Love Supreme, Part 1: Acknowledgement (Alternate Take)
13. A Love Supreme, Part 1: Acknowledgement (Alternate Take 2)

LPCM DTS-HD Master Audio Dolby TrueHD

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