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電影原聲帶 (靠譜歌王) << 返 回
O.S.T. / Yesterday

  所屬分類: 音樂CD (全商品)
  語      言: 英語
  演      員: 丹尼爾彭伯頓     希姆許帕托     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 黑膠片CD
★ 由男主角希姆釧泵垓`情獻唱,披頭四合唱團金曲全收錄,包括"Let It Be"、"I Want to Hold Your Hand"、"Hey Jude".

【靠譜歌王】電影原聲帶,有請多次被金球獎提名的英國鬼才作曲家丹尼爾彭伯頓Daniel Pemberton擔任音樂總監,並由擔綱男主角的Himesh Patel親自上陣演出。Daniel Pemberton曾為【蜘蛛人:新宇宙】、【瞞天過海:八面玲瓏】、【紳士密令】、【史帝夫賈伯斯】等電影操刀配樂作曲,為每部好萊塢鉅片帶來最佳的襯底。男主角Himesh Patel令人驚豔的音樂天賦,再搭配上電影的節奏,將音符與節奏完美融入到每幕情境之中。原聲帶中收錄包括The Beatles眾多傳奇冠軍曲,包括"Yesterday"、"Let It Be"、"Help! "、"A Hard Day’s Night"、"Back in the USSR"、"All You Need Is Love"、"The Long & Winding Road"、"Hey Jude"等等,一首一首從未停止過的披頭四風潮,就像這些經典中的經典至今依然歷久不衰,其中不少歌曲更是現場演出版本,不僅讓人仿佛真的回到了The Beatles還存在的另一個時空,完整感受到60-70年代英倫搖滾的輝煌歲月。深愛The Beatles的你,絕不可錯過【靠譜歌王】電影原聲帶。


01Yesterday - From the Film ‘Yesterday’
02The World is Universal (Universal Fanfare)
03Summer Song - From the Film ‘Yesterday’
04Interlude I: A Day in The Life
05I Saw Her Standing There - Tracks On The Tracks Sessions
06Something - From the album ’One Man Only’
07Let It Be - From the album ’One Man Only’
08Interlude II: Strawberries
09Carry That Weight - From the Film ‘Yesterday’
10Here Comes the Sun - From the album ’One Man Only’
11The Long & Winding Road - Recorded Backstage
12Interlude III: Gorleston Beach
13Help! - Live At Pier Hotel
14Yesterday - From the album ’One Man Only’
15She Loves You - Tracks On The Tracks Sessions
16A Hard Day’s Night - From the album ’One Man Only’
17Something - From the Film ‘Yesterday’
18In My Life - From the album ’One Man Only’
19Interlude IV: Train Tracks
20I Want to Hold Your Hand - Tracks On The Tracks Sessions
21Back in the USSR - Live At Wembley
22All You Need Is Love - Live At Wembley
23Interlude V: Yesterday’s Rain
24The Long & Winding Road - From the album ’One Man Only’
25Hey Jude - From the album ’One Man Only’
26Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - Live At Cleves School
27Interlude VI – Life Goes On
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