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【CD】電影原聲帶 (麥可吉亞奇諾 / 猩球崛起:終極決戰) << 返 回
Michael Giacchino / War for the Planet of the Apes

  所屬分類: 音樂CD (全商品)
  語      言: 英語
  演      員: 麥可吉亞奇諾     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: CD
● 招回《猩球崛起:黎明的進擊》總舵手麥可.吉亞奇諾再次操刀配樂。
● 將情境營造又一次推向登峰造極的地步,實證出這位大師最極致的魅力與才情。


01Apes’ Past is Prologue
02Assault of the Earth
03Exodus Wounds
04The Posse Polonaise
05The Bad Ape Bagatelle
06Don’t Luca Now
07Koba Dependent
08The Ecstasy of the Bold
09Apes Together Strong
10A Tide in the Affairs of Apes
11Planet of the Escapes
12The Hating Game
13A Man Named Suicide
14More Red Than Alive
16Paradise Found
17End Credits
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