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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 哥吉拉大戰金剛 (2021)(Atmos 版) (台版)
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【平裝版藍光】普契尼:蝴蝶夫人 / 夏伊 指揮 史卡拉劇院管弦樂團 (2019) << 返 回
Puccini: Madama Butterfly / Coro e Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala / RICCARDO CHAILLY

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 德|英|義|中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Mar?a Jose Siri     Bryan Hymel     Carlos ?lvarez     Annalisa Stroppa     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s24,2304 kb/s

音軌2:dts-hd ma,48000Hz,5.1,s24


Woolf Works
Anush Hovhannisyan (soprano) & Gillian Anderson (speaker)
Orchestra of The Royal Opera House, Koen Kessels

Virginia Woolf defied the false order of narrative conventions to depict a heightened, startling and poignant reality. Woolf Works recreates the synaesthetic collision of form and substance in her writings. Each of the three acts springs from one of Woolf’s landmark novels: Mrs Dalloway, Orlando and The Waves – but these inspirations are also enmeshed with elements from her letters, essays and diaries. Woolf Works expresses the heart of an artistic life driven to discover a freer, uniquely modern realism, and brings to life Woolf’s world of ‘granite and rainbow’, where human beings are at once both physical body and uncontained essence. Woolf Works (2015) was Wayne McGregor’s first full-length work for The Royal Ballet.
Extra Features: An introduction; Maggie Smith reading extracts from The Waves; On the music.
Running time: 118 minutes
Sound format: LPCM 2.0 & DTS Master Audio 5.1

Puccini: Madama Butterfly
Mar?a Jose Siri (Butterfly), Bryan Hymel (Pinkerton), Carlos ?lvarez (Sharpless), Annalisa Stroppa (Suzuki)
Coro e Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Riccardo Chailly

Over a century after Madama Butterfly's premiere in 1904, Riccardo Chailly restores Puccini's original two act version to the La Scala stage
This is the first ever video release of the original two-act version of Madama Butterfly from 1904, making this a truly unique release

Laufzeit: 167 Min.
Sound Format: stereo/DTS 5.1
Picture: 16:9 (NTSC)
Subtitles: Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch, Italienisch, Chinese(後加)
1903年8月普契尼寫信給指揮曼契內利(Luigi Mancinelli)提到:「蝴蝶夫人對我來說意義重大,它是一部典雅、純潔、充滿熱情的作品,戲劇效果也相當突出。它分為兩幕,第一幕長約1小時又5分鐘,第二幕約1小時20分鐘;首席女高音戲分很重,男高音與男中音則較輕……第一幕有陳述、情節與諧趣,第二幕則感人、深情、甜蜜且溫柔」。
指揮大師夏伊加盟DECCA唱片公司將近40年,創造出累計超過3百萬張的唱片銷售記錄。2017年1月他展開指揮生涯的全新扉頁 — 就任歌劇界最具指標性地位的米蘭史卡拉劇院之音樂總監一職,得以領導史卡拉劇院管弦樂團與合唱團,以及由樂團成員另外組成的史卡拉愛樂管弦樂團。

Puccini: Madama Butterfly
Mar?a Jose Siri (Butterfly), Bryan Hymel (Pinkerton), Carlos ?lvarez (Sharpless), Annalisa Stroppa (Suzuki)
Coro e Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Riccardo Chailly

Over a century after Madama Butterfly's premiere in 1904, Riccardo Chailly restores Puccini's original two act version to the La Scala stage
This is the first ever video release of the original two-act version of Madama Butterfly from 1904, making this a truly unique release

Laufzeit: 167 Min.
Sound Format: stereo/DTS 5.1
Picture: 16:9 (NTSC)
Subtitles: Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch, Italienisch, Chinese(後加)
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