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【平裝版藍光】威爾第 : 斯蒂費里歐 歌劇 (2019) << 返 回
Verdi: Stiffelio - Teatro Regio Parma

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 義語
  字幕/版本: 德|英|義|日|中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Luciano Ganci     Maria Katzarava     Francesco Landolfi     Giovanni Sebastiano Sala     Emanuele Cordaro     Sofia Koberidze     Blagoj Nacoski     
  導      演: Graham Vick
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s24,2304 kb/s

音軌2:dts-hd ma,48000Hz,5.1


Verdi: Stiffelio
Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Guillermo Garc?a Calvo (conductor), Graham Vick (director)
Luciano Ganci (Stiffelio), Maria Katzarava (Lina), Francesco Landolfi (Stankar), Giovanni Sebastiano Sala (Raffaele), Emanuele Cordaro (Jorg), Sofia Koberidze (Dorotea), Blagoj Nacoski (Federico)

Verdi's Stiffelio is a tense moral drama in which a Protestant minister learns of his wife's betrayal and is torn between a thirst for revenge and his religious duty of forgiveness. These themes of adultery and divorce were social taboos in 1850, and Stiffelio was met with such censorship and disapproval that it was soon withdrawn. Today we can appreciate both the title character's significance as the first true Verdi tenor, and the many wonderful moments in this 'most unjustly neglected of Verdi's operas'. This unique and dynamic production from Parma was acclaimed for taking us to 'a whole new theatrical world' (Huffington Post), and as 'nothing short of a coup' (bachtrack.com).

Laufzeit: 119 Min.
Sound Format: stereo/DTS 5.1
Picture: 16:9 (NTSC)
Subtitles: Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Chinese(後加)
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