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Mozart - Cosi fan tutte K588

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Corinne Winters     Angela Brower     Daniel Behle     Alessio Arduini     Johannes Martin Kr?nzle     Sabina Puertolas     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Mozart: Cosi fan tutte, K588
Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House
Semyon Bychkov, Jan Philipp Gloger (dir.)
Corinne Winters (Fiordiligi), Angela Brower (Dorabella), Daniel Behle (Ferrando), Alessio Arduini (Guglielmo), Martin Krnzle (Don Alfonso), Sabina Puertolas (Despina)

The school for lovers, Mozart's alternative title for Cos? fan tutte, is given a playful, theatrical treatment by German director Jan Philipp Gloger, who sets this new production for The Royal Opera in a theatre.

The four lovers are performed by a cast of young rising stars, with Sabina Pu?rtolas as the fun-loving Despina and acclaimed German baritone and comic genius Johannes Martin Kr?nzle as the impresario Don Alfonso, who leads the lovers on a role-playing journey full of picturesque settings. Semyon Bychkov conducts the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House in one of Mozart's most beautiful scores, packed with wonderful arias and ensembles.

What the press said:

Semyon Bychkov gives an enthralling lesson in Mozart from the outset (Evening Standard)

this Cos? is potent and properly unsettling(The Evening Standard)

Subtitles: EN/FR/DE/JP/KO/Chinese(後加)

Running time: 164 minutes

Sound format: LPCM 2.0, DTS-HD 5.1 Master Audio
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