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【平裝版藍光】[英] 少狼 第三季 (2013)〈碟 1/2〉 << 返 回
Teen Wolf S03

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 泰勒·珀西     克裡斯塔爾·裡德     狄倫·歐布萊恩     霍蘭·羅登     JR·波恩     科爾頓·海恩斯     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
01. Tattoo
In the season premiere, a new Alpha Pack arrives to wreak havoc on Scott's life while Derek and Isaac struggle to locate Erica and Boyd.

02. Chaos Rising
Allison and Lydia stumble upon a possible clue to finding Boyd and Erica while a childhood friend of Stiles goes missing.

03. Fireflies
With Boyd and Cora on the loose and under the influence of the full moon, Scott and Derek must turn to an unlikely ally for help.

04. Unleashed
While Scott tries to keep Isaac from engaging in a deadly confrontation with the Twins in school, Stiles attempts to prove his theory that the killings have nothing to do with werewolves.

05. Frayed
During a bus ride to a cross country meet, Scott and his friends flash back to the events of a preemptive strike against the Alphas that has left several injured and possibly one or more dead.

06. Motel California
Stranded at a motel for the night because of the postponed cross country meet, Scott and the others suffer strange experiences that cause them to believe members of their own group may the mysterious killer's newest targets.

07. Currents
As the danger begins to reach closer to Scott, threatening his trusted mentor and boss, Deaton, Kali and the Twins go after Derek.

08. Visionary
Seeking answers, Scott, Allison and Stiles hear stories told by two unlikely narrators and discover a secret about the color of a werewolf's eyes.

09. The Girl Who Knew Too Much
As Allison begins to suspect someone dangerously close to her may be involved in the murders, Scott and Stiles conclude that Lydia's rising talents may be their best bet to solving the murders.

10. The Overlooked
Trapped inside an evacuated Beacon Hills hospital by a powerful storm, Scott and Derek must defend themselves against the Alphas while trying to figure out how to save Cora's life.

11. Alpha Pact
With the threat growing far more personal and time running out on innocent lives, Scott is forced to make a difficult choice in order to save both friends and family while, at the same time, Derek and Peter try to figure out how to save Cora's life.

12. Lunar Ellipse
Under Deaton's advice, Scott and his friends use an ancient but extremely dangerous ritual to help them both save the lives of the people they love and stop Deucalion from achieving his sinister goal.

Disc Size: 22,670,680,219 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
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