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夢精愛 2 - 氣絕的想像〈DVD〉 << 返 回
Dream Affection 2

  所屬分類: DVD (全商品)
  語      言: 日語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: Yoon Je-hoon     Kang Yoo-ki     Jo Yoon-ah     
  導      演: Lee Se-il
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: DVD5
I think about it doing it with those women everytime I lay in bed...
Jae-hoon's quit work. Having run out of money, he's about to kicked out of his apartment. He's jobless with nothing to do. He sleeps. There is a mysterious woman who seduces him in his dreams and he leaves himself up to her. He keeps awaking from his sleep because he's uneasy.
Three women. Yuki, Yujin and min. They think it's not safe for three women to live by themselves so they put out an ad for a male roommate who can also add into the rent. Jae-hoon accepts this offer only thinking about the three women and something unbelievable happens to him and the three...
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