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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 哥吉拉大戰金剛 (2021)(Atmos 版) (台版)
2 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 怒海戰艦 (2020)
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5 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 玩命關頭 9 (2021)(Atmos 版)〈台版〉
6 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 捍衛戰士:獨行俠 (2022)〈台版〉
7 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 神力女超人 1984 (2020)(Atmos 版) [台版字幕]
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9 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 天能 / 信條 (2020)〈台版〉
10 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 阿凡達:水之道 (2022)〈台版〉
【平裝版藍光】宇宙 - 太陽系的七大奇蹟(PS3無法播放,無字幕) <2D + 快門3D> << 返 回
Universe - 7 Wonders of the Solar System 3D

  所屬分類: 藍光 知識探索
  語      言: 英文發音
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: BD-25G
無中文字幕(PS3無法播放,2D + 快門3D
We are in the midst of the greatest era of space discovery. Twenty first-century spacecraft and sophisticated imaging technology are venturing into uncharted territory every day, and much of the extraordinary phenomena are happening right in our own cosmic backyard.

Take an exhilarating, unprecedented 3D tour of the seven most amazing wonders of our solar system, beginning with a trip to Enceladus, one of Saturn s outer moons, where icy geysers spout from its surface. Then venture to Saturn s famous rings, which contain mountain ranges that rival the Alps; dive into Jupiter s Great Red Spot, the eye of the biggest storm in the solar system; soar through the Asteroid Belt, made of millions of rocks left over from the formation of the solar system; trek up Mount Olympus, the largest volcano located on Mars; have a close encounter with the searing surface of the sun; and finish the journey by exploring our very own home planet Earth.
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