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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 哥吉拉大戰金剛 (2021)(Atmos 版) (台版)
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【平裝版藍光】[英] BBC : 美國藝術+俄羅斯藝術+西班牙藝術+德國藝術〈碟 2/4〉 << 返 回
Art of America + The Art Of Russia + The Art of Spain + The Art of Germany

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
*美國藝術Art of America (2011)

導演: Paul Tilzey
主演: Andrew Graham-Dixon

Andrew Graham-Dixon, a leading UK art critic, crosses the Atlantic to explore the story of American art.

*俄羅斯藝術The Art Of Russia (2009)

主演: Andrew Graham-Dixon

  藝術評論家Andrew Graham-Dixon帶我們周遊俄羅斯,一探究竟俄羅斯的藝術世界。
  The Art Of Russia is a documtary series presented by Andrew Graham-Dixon. Andrew travels around Russia taking a look at the world of art there.
  Series in which art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the incredible story of Russian art - its mystery and magnificence - and until now a story untold on British television.
  He explores the origins of the Russian icon from its roots in Byzantium and the first great Russian icon, Our Lady of Vladimir to the masterpieces of the country's most famous icon painter, Andrei Rublev.
  Both epic and awe-inspiring, and producing brilliant art, nevertheless medieval Russia could be a terrifying place. Criss-crossing the epic landscape, Andrew visits the monastery founded by Ivan the Terrible, where his favourite forms of torture found inspiration in religious art.
  One man would shine a light into Russia's 'dark' ages - Peter the Great who, surprisingly, took as his inspiration Deptford in South London.

*西班牙藝術The Art of Spain (2008)

導演: Phil Cairney
主演: Andrew Graham-Dixon

  The Art of Spain – The Moorish South (1 of 3)
  Critic and art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon travels from southern to northern Spain to tell the story of some of Europe's most exciting and vital art. In an exploration of Moorish Spain, he looks at Muslim political and cultural influence as he travels from Cordoba to Granada, seeing classic buildings such as the Great Mosque in Cordoba, the Alcazar in Seville and the Alhambra in Granada. He also shows how the Moors introduced new foods – including citrus fruits, coffee and spices – to Spain.
  The Art of Spain – The Dark Heart (2 of 3)
  He journeys to the country's scorched centre to explore Spanish art of the 16th and 17th centuries, a period that became known as the Golden Age. Tracing the rise and fall of the Spanish Empire, the brutal conquest of the New World, and the religious madness of the Inquisition he discovers how a history so violent produced such beautiful art.
  The Art of Spain – The Mystical North (3 of 3)
  In the final part, he reveals how the north of the country has produced some of the most dazzling and iconic art of the modern age. Spain's turbulent history has shaped artists from Francisco Goya to Pablo Picasso. Graham-Dixon argues that Spanish architecture is the art form now taking the nation forward in the new millennium.

*德國藝術The Art of Germany (2010)

主演: Andrew Graham-Dixon


  Part 1: A Divided Land
  Part 2: Dream and Machine
    Part 3: In the Shadow of Hitler
  主持人Andrew Graham-Dixon用不同的主題去探討德國的藝術,包括景觀、民俗文化等,為那些對世界藝術和文化傳統不太熟悉的人群開闊了視野。
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